And I help you to remember how to be YOU, do YOU and love YOUrself - living your life unapologetically by your own rules, dropping the need to copy or follow someone else’s ideas of how life should be.

As a child to parents with two completely different cultures (Peruvian and German - really not the same, same) I figured out early on that fitting in and identifying with one ‘thing’ just wasn’t going to be possible for me. I tried, nevertheless, and my heart closed up every single time when I put myself in a ‘box’. Eventually I physically and mentally broke down and from that moment I promised myself to find my essence (again) and live in harmony with who I truly am - and honour all facets of myself no matter what they are.

And don’t get confused - this is not a happy ever after, roses and hearts type affair! Life is still messy, unpredictable and full of up’s and down’s. But I am centred in myself and bounce back much quicker these days!

Today I use all my experience of heart, body and energy centred ways of reconnecting to support you on your journey to becoming yourself (again) and enjoying this one life you have - RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!  

Fun facts

Here are a few things about me that make me and my friends and family giggle and smile :)

1. I am the crazy cat lady…

And I share my home with … erm… 6 cats (and my boyfriend and the chickens). Yes, 6. I know!!! It’s a lot of cats. I have no idea how it happened but they are my biggest teachers in life and I count my blessings. All 6 of them :) Plus the ones we keep rescuing and rehoming….


2. I love DIYing and trying out new things.

So far I’ve made a plasterboard wall, a sliding door, this website, various DIY upcycles, built a chicken coop AND I had literally zero experience. I also don’t plan things out on a piece of paper with dimensions and sh*t (why would I? I keep changing my mind anyway) and sometimes - more often than not - drive my boyfriend crazy with my ideas that are only in my head.

3. I travelled the world for almost 20 years before settling in Portugal…

I always knew I wanted to see the world. So I packed my bags when I was 19 and moved to London, then Brazil and then kept London as a base whilst doing various around the world trips. I swam in anaconda infested rivers, worked on a pearl boat, a rehabilitation centre for cheetahs and dived in various corners of the world. And now I’ve come full circle and settled in the quaint, lovely town of Tomar and absolutely love my life here!

What motivates me:

I believe that everyone should be given the tools to create more balance and resilience in life and determine how you want to live. But if you want to live the High’s you also have to learn how to deal with the Low’s and be present to the in-between and I would like to remind you how to!

Ready to dive in?



2023 - Ongoing Level 2 Sound Healing Diploma, Academy of Sound Healing

2023 - Level 2 Sound Healing with Angelo Surinder from Cosmic Gong, Lisbon, Portugal

2022 - Earth School Cacao Training, Online

2022 - Level 1 Sound Healing with Angelo Surinder from Cosmic Gong, Lisbon, Portugal

2022 - Level 1 Multi Instrument Sound Healing, Academy of Sound Healing, Online

2020 to date - Various trainings with Starlight Centre including House Clearing Course, Channelling and Connection and Rise of the Divine

2020 - Emotion Code Practitioner Training, Online

2018 - Access Bars Training, London, UK

2017 - Cacao Ceremony Facilitator Training with Rebekah Shaman, Ibiza, Spain

2016 - 100 Hour Fly and Bhakti Yoga Teacher Training with Laughing Lotus, Rishikesh, India

2015 - 100 Hour Energy and Subtle Body & Sequencing Yoga Teacher Training with Laughing Lotus, NYC and Cologne, US & DE

2014 - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with the Yoga Life Centre, Eastbourne, UK